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Initial release of TechFolio Designer Aug 1, 2018

We are delighted to announce the initial release of TechFolio Designer: a cross-platform, desktop application designed exclusively for the development of TechFolio professional portfolios.

For details on TechFolio Designer, please see the TechFolio Designer User Guide.

If you have problems, questions, or want to get involved, please contact Philip Johnson (

If you are a student at the University of Hawaii and want to get course credits during Fall of 2018 to work (in part) on TechFolio Designer, please check out the ICS 491, Fall 2018 Class Description.

Syntax highlighting fixed Dec 3, 2017

There has been a longstanding bug in Techfolios which prevented fenced code blocks from being highlighted.

We finally figured out the problem: Techfolios need to load a rouge style file, and they weren’t. With today’s commit, the Techfolio header will load a rouge style sheet from the css/rouge directory. There are a selection of rouge style files stored in there; you can change the default selected file by editing _config.yml.

Here’s the default _config.yml which specifies igorpro as the default theme. See for an example code block.

TechFolios Workshops Oct 11, 2016

The Department of Information and Computer Sciences is delighted to announce a three part workshop on developing a professional portfolio. These workshops will be held on Wednesday, November 2, 9, and 16, from 4:30 to 5:30pm.

For full details, please see the Portfolio Workshop Announcement.

TechFolios 1.1 release Oct 10, 2016

Release 1.1 of TechFolio is now available. Enhancements include:

  • Semantic UI updated from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4. Among other things, this means more icons (such as GitLab).
  • Your email address now appears on your resume page (bio-network-links.html).

To update your techfolio, follow these instructions.

ICS Portfolios Oct 1, 2016

The TechFolio team is happy to announce the initial release of ICS Portfolios, a site providing a portal to dozens of TechFolios created by students and faculty in the Department of Information and Computer Science at the University of Hawaii.

ICS Portfolios leverages the use of JSON Resume format to build a directory of the ICS community with a summary of each member along with a link to their professional portfolios for details.

If you are a member of the ICS community (student, faculty, or alumni) and would like to be included, please let us know.

TechFolios at FullStack Honolulu Sep 15, 2016

TechFolios will be presented at the inaugural meeting of FullStack Honolulu on October 6, 2016. See the Facebook Event Page for details on the event time and place.

TechFolios 1.0 release Aug 10, 2016

After review and lots of minor bug fixes, the TechFolio team is delighted to announce release 1.0 of TechFolio. Please see the Quick Start to get started, or the User Guide for detailed documentation.

TechFolios Preview release Jun 15, 2016

After just two weeks of development, the TechFolio team is delighted to announce a preview release. Please take a look and let us know what you think.

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